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LexSeeHer, Inc. incorporated in December 2021
President, Jessie Steigerwald

Vice President of Finance and Treasurer, Leslie Masson

Vice President of Operations and Corporate Secretary, Michelle Tran

Vice President of Development, Martha Wood

Vice President of Community Outreach, Celeste Freeman

Meet The FOUNDING Steering committee MEMBERS
This team formed in March 2020 and persisted to gain unanimous approval from the Lexington Select Board for the first monument in Lexington's historic district to recognize the contributions of women across time. 

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Amber Iqbal


 - Monument Nomination Subcommittee (2020-2021)

""If we look to our past there were many talented women who made significant contributions in every field of life but are left unseen and unheard.

It's about time we change that!


Favorite statue: Fearless Girl

This statue depicts our future generation of strong girls who will stand strong against the bullies of the world who would try to bring them down! "​

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Betty Gau


International Women's Day Coordinator
Speaker Series

Asst. Treasurer of LexSeeHer Inc. (2022)

Steering Committee Co-Chair (2020-2022)
Treasurer (2020-2022)

"I enjoy history and learning from public monuments but woman's history is not available which leaves a significant gap."

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Humera Asif

Newsletter Founder (2020-2022)

"Too often women's contributions to the nation went unnoticed, together we can bring awareness and appreciation!"


Jessie Steigerwald

LexSeeHer, Inc. President
Research Team Chair

In Her Shoes Lead & Website

Call to Artists, Artist Screening Subcommittee

Steering Committee Co-Chair (2020-2022)

"Women's contributions to our community and our country must be made visible in our built environment. How we shape the way women are seen will shape the future.

Equality can't wait."

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Judy Zola

Founders Campaign Chair (2020)

"Since women have been invisible for so long, it is time for women to be seen and heard, and for women and their contributions to be recognized.."

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Kamala Raj



Community Outreach


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Lauren Kennedy

Visibility Banners

Graphic Design

Monument Nomination Subcommittee (2020-2021)

"Women have long been unrecorded in history. It's time to change that and show the girls of our town that women have made significant contributions to history."

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Leslie Masson

Vice President of Finance and Treasurer
Research Team

Call to Artists, Artist Screening Subcommittee


"Women hold up half the sky."

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MarthaLeticia Valencia




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Martha Wood

Vice President of Development
Plaza Patrons Campaign, Chair (2021-2022)

Founder's Digital Quilt Team, Quilt Design

Artist Screening Subcommittee

Communications Team Lead

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Michelle Tran

Vice President of Operations
and Secretary
Monument Nomination Subcommittee

Call to Artists

Artist Screening Subcommittee

Liaison with Lexington Historical Society

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Valerie Overton


Print Media Specialist

"In the home, as educators,

as scientists, as activists, and so much more, women have been essential to building our community.

It's time to honor them!"

Our former Steering Committee members helped pass Article 7 at Fall Special Town Meeting 2020.

Lakshmi Juneja
Ragini Pathak
Bebe Fallick


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