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Thank you Founders!  LexSeeHer is a privately funded initiative to make women visible and we are proud to receive support from the following Founders as we work to make women visible and establish a new monument that will recognize women's contributions across time. Founders have boldly stepped forward before June 18, 2021 during the very initial part of this monumental effort because they share the view that, indeed, "Something Must Be Done!"  Our initial Founder campaign is for individuals and families. Corporate sponsors will be announced at a later date.


It may take a full week (or so) for names to appear on this list, whether a person contributes by check or online. If you don't find your name here and have donated, or if you prefer a different way to have your name appear, please email PayPay donations may come in under an informal name, and our team is working to assemble information in the way Founders wish it to appear in the Founder's Register. The permanent Register will be kept at Lexington Historical Society! 

Founders by first name:

Please check your listing. If you prefer to be listed on the same line with another Founder, or if you prefer to be listed as individuals, just email Some Founders have already indicated their preference and we offer all Founders the chance to have the listing reflect their preferences. In some instances it may not have been clear whether one or two people each wished to be listed. With a parent's permission, we will list children under the age of 18, but written permission is required. We will update this list frequently as new names are added, or changes are requested. â€‹


Alan Levine

Alan Strauss

Albert and Judith Zabin

Alexa McCray

Alissa Lauzon

Alyssa Goodman

Amy & Simon Horsburgh

Amy Chi

Amy Garbis

Amy Rubin

Amy Weinstock

Anderson Family

Ann Louise Boese & David Sheehan

Anne & Jamie Lee

Anne Marie Edenhofner

Anne Engelhart

Anthony Galaitsis

Antonia Halton Stechler

Anwiti Bahuguna

D. Peter Lund

Aviram Cohen

Avram Baskin

Barbara Palant

Beth Levine

Beth Sager

Betsy Garland

Betty Gau & Dave Warburton

Beverly & Peter Kelley

C. A. Shum

C. Kuschel

Carla & Tom Fortmann

Carolyn Coppe

Cerise Jalelian Keim

Cheryl Fouce

Christianne Mager

Christie Leitch

Cindy Arens & Leonidas Kontothanassis

Cindy Woolworth

Cohen Silverstein Family

Constance Counts & Margaret Counts-Klebe

Corinne Steigerwald

Daniela Lang

David Tu

Deborah Strod

Deeba Husam and Syed A. Rizvi

Denise Elyanow

Diane Biglow

Donna Hooper

Elizabeth & Zoe Ann Perry-Wood

Elizabeth Davenport

Farzana Khatri & Richard Jensen

Francine Stieglitz

Fred Johnson

Frederick Ezekiel

Gail Fields

Hannah Chang

Hans Heilman and Nancy Shepard

Helena Wennbo

Henrietta Yelle

Holly Boker

Jamie Wood

Jane Trudeau

Janel Showalter

Jean & Jonathan Cole

Jean & Robert Burbidge

Jean Barry

Jean Birnberg

Jean H. Winchester

Jennifer Oriel

Jennifer Rosenberg

Jeremy & Taylor Singh

Jessie Chen

Jessie Steigerwald

Jill Gasperini

Jill Smilow

Joyce Murphy

Judith Zola

Judy & Rod Crocker

Julie Barker

Julie Sibert

Kamala Gorindaraju and Children

Marjan Kamali Tavangar

Kathleen Lenihan

Kathleen R. Schaefer

Kathryn Fields

Kathy Jacob

Kimberly Hensle-Lowrance & Rob Lowrance

Kimya, Niki and Mirabelle Harris

Kokila & Dinesh Patel

The Kuo Family





Laura Atlee

Lauren Kennedy & Ryan Kilgore

Laurence & Adam Smith

Leigh-Ann Durant & Katie Durant

Lenox Singh

Les & Cindy Savage

Leslie Sherman

Leslie & Colin Masson

Leslie Zales

Linda & Ed Grant

Linda Rosen

Lisa & Henry Houh

Lisa & Jeffrey Boehm

Liz Dang Ryan

Lois & Kenneth Bruss

Maddie Chang

Marci Cemenska

Marcia Lidman

Marcia Marble

Margaret Counts-Klebe

Margaret Muckenhoupt

Margaret Ouellette

Marian & Bruce Cohen

Marie & Alex Attia

Maritza Pachano

Martha & Jim Wood

Mary Anne & William Vetterling

Mary Dean

Mary E. Keenan

Mary Hosmer

Matthew Cohen

Matthew Resnick

Matthew Schnall

Melanie Lin

Melanie Thompson

Michael Resnick

Michael Segal

Michael Tu

Michelle Tu

Miriam Ivok Horton and David Horton

Molly and Joe Nye

Monica Galizzi

Moxie Singh

Muge Erkan

Nancy Bartlett

Nancy Olt

Nancy White

Natalie & Robert Warshawer

Nicole T. Coelho

Nicholas Hart

Nicole Grossman

Patrice Briskin

Patricia Elen Costello

Patricia Grasso

Paul Ross

Phyllis Wilner

Ragini Pathak

Randy Gollub & Jon Hirschtick

Rebecca Harley

Representative Michelle Ciccolo

Robin Steinberg

Ruth & Bruce Lynn

Ruth Stanford Thomas

Sandra & Phil Shaw

Sara Bothwell Allen and Michael Allen

Sarah Higginbotham

Sarah Moroney

Sarah Morony & Anne Gallucci

Scott Bokun

Senator Mike Barrett & Nancy Dolberg

Shefali Rajpal

Shelia Violette & David Frank

Shirley Frawley

Shubhra Chandra

Sion Harris

Stacey & Scott Hamilton

Stephanie Roberts

Susan Foster

Susan McLeish

Susan Schnidman

Suzanne Lau & Thomas Shiple

Suzanne Reasenberg & Lawrence Osgood

Tara Mathur

Teri Swartz Russel

The Chen-Fulop Family

The Simkovits Family

Tina Taylor

Tracey Wright

Valerie Overton

Valerie Perkins & Stephen Ervin

Victoria Buckley

Victoria Fraser

Vinita Verma

Wendolyn Shrock

Wendy & Robert Reasenberg

Yoon Cho and Andrew Goering


The LexSeeHer Steering Committee has undertaken the initiative to establish a monument to honor the contributions women have made to Lexington across time.

Our Steering Committee has been inspired by the remarkable women who are included in the Lexington Historical Society's exhibit "Bold Women of Lexington" as well as the many stories of Lexington women that have been shared by community members since the exhibit opened.


This effort kicked off March 8, 2020 as part of the celebration of International Women's Day. Together, with our Founders, we carry on the "Something Must Be Done!" spirit.

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